University of Belgrade

The University of Belgrade is the oldest university in Serbia and the largest in this part of Europe. Founded in 1808, it consists of 31 faculties (among them 11 in the field of engineering), 11 research institutes, 13 University centres, Computer Centre and the University Library with more than 3.500.000 volumes. It provides education in sciences and mathematics, technology and engineering sciences, medical sciences, social sciences and humanities, with 340 study programs, over 95.000 students and 5.000 academic and research staff. Its main activities in the fields of higher education and scientific research are activities of public interest. It is recognized as the leading institution of higher education in the region by adapting to the challenges of modern times on one hand, and preserving what’s worth in its tradition on the other. This is precisely what makes it recognized as a true national brand.

As the leading university in Serbia, UB recognizes the importance of advanced data analytics for today’s higher education and business. It also recognizes that advanced data analytics requires interdisciplinary skills and expertise. Through this project, UB wants to develop a master program in advanced data analytics in business, in order to help students get an effective introduction to the concepts and practices of advanced data analytics. It also wants to advance its already existing networking with the researchers and teachers from Program Countries involved with the project.

UB’s objectives in participating in this project include: raising awareness of its teachers about why data analytics is so important in business studies and also in other advanced studies; presenting data analytics (to its teachers, researchers and students) as predictors of important trends and changes in all business environments, especially those related to working with massive data, and help teachers and tutors to plan how to include these topics in their courses; assisting course developers in improving current courses and develop new curriculum offerings; and assist UB management in taking decisions on promoting its study programs internationally and advancing its measures of higher education efficiency and effectiveness.