In the period March 18-20, 2019, the representatives of all project partners were in the study visit to the Graduate school in computer science and mathematics engineering (EISTI), Cergy, France. During this visit, the host presented its experiences related to the studies in data science and advanced data analysis. In addition, companies-partners of EISTI presented their real-life research projects related to data science. The participants also visited EISTI campus and attended one of the lectures. Finally, during this visit Steering Committee and Local Committee held their meetings. Agenda of this visit may be found here: Agenda Cergy (79479 downloads) .



Analysis of existing business analytics-related master study programs in Serbia (1111 downloads)

Advanced Data Analytics at the University of Belgrade (1347 downloads)

JEMS (434 downloads)

Smart TEEM (230 downloads)

Note: Presentations of the companies were not prepared using official project visual identity, as these companies are not partners in the project.